Shiry Rashkovsky

Lauded by The Strad for her ‘beguiling… thrilling and exuberant’ Royal Festival Hall debut, Shiry pursues an international and diverse career.

Her recording of Kate Whitley’s Viola Concerto with the Multi-Story Orchestra and conductor Christopher Stark for NMC Records was described as ‘fearless’ by the Guardian.

She has performed in the Royal Albert Hall, Cadogan Hall, Tokyo’s Suntory Hall, Paris Theatre Champs Elysee, Berlin Philharmonie, and broadcast live for BBC Radio 3, WQXR New York, RAI Italy and the Israeli Broadcasting Authority. Her performances have appeared on BBC 1, 2 and 4.

Shiry is a prize-winner of the Martin Musical Scholarship Fund, Cecil Aronowitz Viola Prize, the Countess of Munster Musical Trust Recital Scheme, and was a Making Music Selected Artist 2017-2018.

A passionate chamber musician, Shiry is regularly invited to Prussia Cove Open Chamber Music, and has performed with Adrian Brendel, Ian Brown, Thomas Gould, Viviane Hagner, Pekka Kuusisto, Min Jin Kym and David Waterman. She has broadcast live for national radio in ensembles with Shmuel Ashkenasi, Atar Arad, Stephan Barratt-Due, Vadim Gluzman, Rudolf Koelman, Shlomo Mintz, and has featured in Cadogan Hall’s ‘Rising Stars’ series.

Shiry has taught at Royal Holloway, University of London since 2013, and was Director of Preparatory and Primary Courses of Pro Corda. She is a member of faculty at New Virtuosi International Mastercourse, and has been its Acting Executive Director. She has given masterclasses at Le Altre Note International Music Festival and the University of Transylvania in Brasov.

Shiry studied Social and Political Sciences at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, and completed a Masters with First Class Honours and Artist Diploma at the Royal College of Music, studying with Natasha Boyarska and Ian Jewel.