Dina Yoffe

Originally from Riga (Latvia), Dina Yoffe graduated from the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Moscow under the tutelage of Professor Vera Gornostayeva, one of the most important proponents of the legendary Heinrich Neuhaus school. 

Top prize winner at the R.Schumann and F.Chopin International Piano Competitions, she enjoys a successful solo and orchestral career, highlighted by concerts with the Israel Philharmonic under Z. Mehta, NHK orchestra under N.Marriner, Moscow Philharmonic with Valery Gergiev and D. Kitayenko, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra with James De Prest, Orchestra "Kremerata Baltica" under G. Kremer, "Moscow Soloist" under Y.Bashmet, Orchestra Sinfonia Varsovia under J. Kaspszyk. 

Dina Yoffe performed in the most prestigious halls: the Barbican Centre in London, Suntory Hall in Tokyo,Sala Verdi in Milano, Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna, Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Salle Playel in Paris, etc. Concert at the Royal Palace in the Hague for her Majesty Queen Beatrice. 

Dina Yoffe is also an active participant in Music Festivals, where she played together with many internationally renowned musicians, such as G.Kremer, Y. Bashmet, V.Tretiakov, V. Repin, M. Vaiman, M.Brunello. 

Jury member of international piano competitions-Cleveland (USA), Chopin (Warsaw), Arthur Rubinstein (Tel-Aviv), Liszt (Weimar), Maria Canals (Barcelona), Hamamtsu (Japan) and many others. 

Ms Yoffe regularly conducts master classes in Europe, Japan, USA. Honorary member of Japan Piano Teachers Association, Chopin and Society in Warsaw. Honorary professor at Beijing central conservatory. Currently Professor of the Musical Arts Academy in Madrid. 

Her students are winners of national and international piano competitions. Dina Yoffe has numerous Radio, TV and commercial recordings.